Grand Master’s Visitation


We are now offering the opportunity to purchase your tickets to our Grand Master’s Visitation online.

On Thursday evening, February 13, 2025, Temple Lodge No. 9 will be receiving Most Worshipful James R. Hanby, Sr., Grand Master of Masons in Delaware, and his staff for their official visit. The evening will begin with a social hour at 5:00 PM and dinner at 6:00 PM at the Big Oyster Brewery (6152 South Rehoboth Boulevard, Milford, DE 19963).  The Grand Master will be officially received for his visitation at 7:30 PM at the lodge.  The lodge meeting will be open on the Entered Apprentice degree.  Ladies are invited to dinner and there will be a crafting program for them at the Big Oyster Brewery, while the brethren return to lodge for the official visitation.  The attire is formal.

We would like to invite you to join us, on that evening, for our dinner festivities. Tickets are available for only $45.00 per person and a limited number are available.  Please get yours before they are sold out. Tickets are available from Worshipful Brothers Stephen Walter or Chad Robinson or by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below, which will place your purchase in a cart on the right-hand side of the page. When you click “Checkout”, you will be taken to a secure PayPal site where you can pay for your purchases. If you purchase your tickets via PayPal, they will be available at the door when you arrive at the dinner.

Keith Geise, Sr., WM